Album di Famiglia/Family Album
This is my personal attempt to cancel the irreversibility of time.
The series is an on-going project which consists of collages of photographs from my family archive, materials, letters and anything else belonged to my family, together with current photos of our familiar places, that i personally shot.
Starting point of the series is the loss of my last grandfather. When we started to go through and select all his belongings...the more we were digging into his things the more the questions arose: why are we so attached to things? Why do we accumulate so much stuff if we will leave everything behind? And what are the ones who stay supposed to do with all these things? What is it that really preserves memories? How can photography play a role in this sense?
So I started to collect memories and stories from my relatives and merged them together visually to narrate an updated version of the story of my family, creating new scenarios, suggesting new possibilities and unexpected things to happen.
Furthermore, the series wants to speak to the subconscious mind of anyone of us, evoking a feeling of nostalgia for what has been lost.